Magento admin redirects to dashboard when submitting form - solved

Posted by Damodar Bashyal on June 24, 2013


Today I was going crazy because whenever I tried to update customer information from admin it was redirecting me to admin dashboard. It was working perfectly on previous server and on my local. After debugging for a while I couldn't find the solution for the issue at all.


Integrate mailchimp with magento using mageMonkey

Posted by Damodar Bashyal on May 28, 2013


Our client wanted to integrate mailchimp with magento. So I dig for extension and found this awesome free magento extension called mageMonkey. I installed it through magento connect using key:


Magento getModel with or without parameters

Posted by Damodar Bashyal on April 30, 2013


In Magento you can load your model with getModel. You can optionally pass parameters to the model class constructor. All you need to do is:

Mage::getModel('model_class', 'arguments_as_array_if_any');

For example: I want to load Data.php model from:
