Multiple RewriteCond .htaccess Query String Redirects

Posted by Damodar Bashyal on May 29, 2014


It's easy to redirect simple page urls from one location to another but query strings redirection can make you pull your hair.

This is how I redirected simple pages:


Redirect old website / domain to new domain using htaccess

Posted by Damodar Bashyal on May 27, 2013


Today's task was to redirect all pages from an old domain to new domain except one page (google verification file). All pages including any query string should be stripped out and redirect to only homepage of new domain with out any query string.


Mapping a subdomain to content or folder of main domain with .Htaccess file

Posted by Damodar Bashyal on April 28, 2012


I wanted to create subdomains for all the categories listed here. It was not possible with shared hosting with previous web hosting provider. So, I moved to media temple and they support wildcard subdomain.

So, today I generated all the subdomains to test with all the categories here:

But all of them were displaying homepage content as I had not modified the .htaccess file. So I added this:
