Magento get popular products by total number of views

Posted by Damodar Bashyal on May 10, 2013


Magento product report resource collection allows you to get most popular products based on different options for example total number of product views. The code below will show you how to load magento's most viewed products collection.

functions we will use: addViewsCount, setOrder

Let's load this resource collection first like this:


Magento get popular products by total number of orders

Posted by Damodar Bashyal on May 10, 2013


Magento product report resource collection allows you to get most popular products based on different options for example total number of product orders.

functions we will use: addOrdersCount, setOrder

Let's load this resource collection first like this:


Magento get popular products by ordered qty

Posted by Damodar Bashyal on May 10, 2013


Magento product report resource collection allows you to get most popular products based on different options.

functions we will use: addOrderedQty, setOrder

Let's load this resource collection first like this:
