Magento - Remove | hide | disable admin menu items

Posted by Damodar Bashyal on May 14, 2012


The task was to remove a menu item from the admin menu. I tried to do it through roles permissions but it wasn't saving permission for few selected custom modules. So, I had to leave it as 'All' as i didn't wanted to waste time researching and fixing other custom modules.

I removed menu items from menu node in config.xml but it didn't work. Deleted cache folder, session folder nothing worked. After googling for a while I found people recommended to do it through javascript by adding display none to the item like this:

$('.menu-class').hide(); or remove();

But there was no unique class or id for the menu. I thought may be <disable> would work and added that. ohoo! actually that worked, the menu item was gone.

	<learning module="learning">
		<title>Learning Center</title>
			<new module="learning">
				<title>Add Post</title>
			<cat module="learning">

NOTE: This update was done for custom module, You may need to override core config to achieve this, so it won't get over-written on upgrade.

not published on website

QR Code: Magento - Remove | hide | disable admin menu items