Magento: How to get product price including tax

Posted by Damodar Bashyal on April 17, 2013


For some reason I wasn't getting product price including tax. So after googling around I found this:


Magento clean delete products

Posted by Damodar Bashyal on April 16, 2013


Today ELi asked me why he couldn't delete attribute that was used to create configurable product. After I went through the code, I found the database table `catalog_product_super_*` was still holding relationship between product and attribute although all products were deleted from admin's product manager.

We decided to clean delete (truncate) all product related table's old data. Here is the exact SQL that worked perfectly on magento 1.6


Magento show actual price on product options for configurable products

Posted by Damodar Bashyal on January 23, 2013


Magento configurable products by default shows prices based on base price set on configurable product and difference set for different attributes like this:

Magento configurable products default
