Magento problem accessing admin url

Posted by Damodar Bashyal on April 07, 2012


My colleague was struggling to access admin url. We looked for the issues but couldn't find any. After going through few forums we found this:


Magento - Product Attribute Values - Set Programmatically

Posted by Damodar Bashyal on March 21, 2012


I needed to import manufacturers list from oscommerce to magento and this is how i did it, not sure if there is an easy way to do this. Let me know if you know better way to do it.

Lets create a file (manufacturer.php) on the root of the magento installation path, and add below code and run the file. Code is self explanatory I guess :)


Magento - Google sitemap generation

Posted by Damodar Bashyal on March 19, 2012


Follow this to create a google sitemap for your magento ecommerce shopping website.

Step 1: using FTP create a folder called 'sitemap' on the installation/base folder (where your website is installed). Then create 'sitemap.xml' file under that folder. Give write permission (777) to both file and folder so, the magento can write/edit the sitemap.
