New Codefight Asset Manager a codeigniter library

Posted by Damodar Bashyal on March 14, 2009


Today i wrote new asset manager for my cms by taking ideas from contributions on codeigniter. This is very useful for my cms. I am going to modify more in the future as i have time. But for now i would like to show how it works.


I have a config file called MY_config. And, i autoload this config on config/autoload.php

$autoload['config'] = array('MY_config');

Also, i autoload my new library in this file, along with other libraries as:

$autoload['libraries'] = array('database', 'session','login', 'assets');

Now i need to edit MY_config.php file.

    * dir is relative to base dir
    * filenames should not have extensions i.e. no .css or .js

    //Base Path where index.php or admin.php is located
    $config['cf']['base_path'] = dirname(FCPATH) . '/';

    * assets directory relative to base_path above
    * trailing slash (/) required if not empty e.g. 'assets/'
    * if empty then just ''
    $config['cf']['assets_dir'] = 'assets/';
    * js (script) directory
    * No trailing or leading slashes (/)
    $config['cf']['js_dir'] = 'js';
    * css directory
    * No trailing or leading slashes (/)
    $config['cf']['css_dir'] = 'css';
    //do js and css located in multifolder like admin, frontend, common
    //default is false
    $config['cf']['is_js_css_split'] = true;
    * if is_js_css_split is true, define directories they can be found according to preferences in an array
    * e.g. css can be found at: assets/common/css or, assets/admin/css etc...
    * Script stops search when it finds one.
    $config['cf']['js_css_dir'] = array(
    * Define css that need to be autoloaded in every page
    $config['cf']['defaults']['css'] = array(
    'all' => array('helper','header', 'menuLeft', 'jquery.jdMenu', 'footer')
    * Define js that need to be autoloaded in every page
  $config['cf']['defaults']['js'] = array('jquery', 'jquery.dimensions', 'jquery.positionBy', 'jquery.bgiframe', 'jquery.jdMenu');

Now on controller, or view file load css and js as follow:

    $assets = array();

    //load all required css
    //if media type not defined, screen is default.
    //$assets['css'] = array('admin','swiff','box','upload');
    $assets['css'] = array('all' => array('page', 'special'));

    //load all required js
    $assets['js'] = array('xyz','abc');


Now its time to echo loaded css and js. Put the below code wherever you want to echo it. definitely its between <head> & </head>:


It'll echo css|js as: If you view source of this page, you'll understand what i'm talking about.

<link rel=" stylesheet" href=" assets/frontend/css/page.css" type="text/css" media="all" />
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

This step should have been bit before but it really doesn't matter. Just upload the asset manager library to library folder.

Thats it!!!

Test Test posted on - Saturday 14th of March 2009 05:33:30 AM

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