Resume broken large scp transfer

Posted by Damodar Bashyal on September 07, 2015


Last few days I was trying to download large database dump on my new mac book pro over a ssh connection. But as soon as the computer goes to sleep it breaks the file transfer. And, I am still figuring out how mac settings work :-(

After few broken attempts finally found a way to resume from the last broken file download process stage.

Last attempt had "31% 2304MB 0.0KB/s - stalled" and when I used the resume command it reached to 81% in no time and then continued with usual speed.

Thanks a lot to & for the command.

Command to resume an scp transfer, try with rsync:

rsync --partial --progress --rsh=ssh user@host:remote_file local_file


rsync --partial --progress --rsh=ssh [email protected]:/home/dltr/rt464867/db.sql.gz ./


Sridhar Kesaraju posted on - Wednesday 23rd of December 2015 06:13:53 AM


Thanks for post. I am going to keep this command handy and use it when required. Please post this kind of useful commands.
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